To equip and develop believers and leaders to carry out the Great Commission with passion, integrity and creativity, using Biblical strategy and utilizing Biblical teaching and mentoring.


ISTL has designed a curriculum that is very practically oriented to challenge and equip deacons, Sunday School teachers, small group leaders, and believers to know how to effectively communicate the truth of God’s Word in meaningful ways to a hungry world and how to disciple and equip all believers for more effective works of service for the Lord and His kingdom.


At ISTL, we believe in the importance of going beyond the classroom and exposing our students to ministry happening throughout the local community and around the world.  ISTL partners with local churches both in the Thomasville area and overseas to provide Biblical and practical teaching and training for those who have not been able to attend a Bible school, college, or seminary for whatever reason, but who desire to have additional training to grow in Christ and enhance their ministry in their local church and beyond.